purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 2

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MGC129601, P2X2, P2RX2, P2X purinoceptor 2

Choropleth map on BodyParts3D

Choropleth maps on 3D human body images were generated by the relative gene expression values measured by GeneChip.

Classification in 40 Organs

brain blood connective
EST cerebrum:- cerebellum:- brain stem:- corpus callosum/glia:- pineal gland:- peripheral nerve:- spine:- retina:- eye:- artery/aorta:- vein:- lymphnode:- peripheral blood:- spleen:- thymus:- bone marrow:- adipose:- bone:- skin:-
GeneChip cerebrum:4.92 cerebellum:4.79 brain stem:5.02 corpus callosum/glia:4.74 pineal gland:- peripheral nerve:4.63 spine:4.69 retina:- eye:- artery/aorta:4.89 vein:5.11 lymphnode:4.67 peripheral blood:- spleen:4.63 thymus:4.58 bone marrow:4.89 adipose:4.90 bone:- skin:4.92
CAGE cerebrum:0.16 cerebellum:- brain stem:0 corpus callosum/glia:0 pineal gland:0 peripheral nerve:- spine:0 retina:- eye:- artery/aorta:0 vein:0 lymphnode:0.03 peripheral blood:- spleen:0.17 thymus:0 bone marrow:- adipose:0 bone:- skin:-
RNA-seq cerebrum:0.00 cerebellum:- brain stem:- corpus callosum/glia:- pineal gland:- peripheral nerve:- spine:- retina:- eye:- artery/aorta:- vein:- lymphnode:0.00 peripheral blood:- spleen:- thymus:- bone marrow:- adipose:0 bone:- skin:-
reproductive muscular alimentary liver lung urinary endo/exo-crine
EST uterus:- placenta:- prostate:- ovary:- testis:- heart:- muscle:- esophagus:- stomach:- intestine:- colon:-     liver/hepato:-        lung:-    bladder:- kidney:- pituitary:- thyroid/parathyroid:- adrenal gland:- pancreas:- breast:- salivary:-
GeneChip uterus:4.67 placenta:4.42 prostate:4.78 ovary:4.71 testis:4.64 heart:4.89 muscle:5.06 esophagus:4.90 stomach:4.88 intestine:4.85 colon:4.95 liver/hepato:4.85 lung:4.89 bladder:- kidney:4.84 pituitary:4.90 thyroid/parathyroid:4.57 adrenal gland:4.79 pancreas:5.36 breast:4.62 salivary:5.01
CAGE uterus:0.04 placenta:0.08 prostate:0.66 ovary:0 testis:0.13 heart:0 muscle:0 esophagus:0.52 stomach:- intestine:0.38 colon:0     liver/hepato:0    lung:0.05 bladder:0.09 kidney:0 pituitary:0 thyroid/parathyroid:0 adrenal gland:- pancreas:0 breast:0 salivary:0
RNA-seq uterus:- placenta:- prostate:0.54 ovary:0.00 testis:0.00 heart:0 muscle:0 esophagus:- stomach:- intestine:- colon:0.00     liver/hepato:0        lung:0.00    bladder:- kidney:0.00 pituitary:- thyroid/parathyroid:0 adrenal gland:0.00 pancreas:- breast:0.00 salivary:-

Gene Ontology  (GO ID)

Biological Process

GO:0048266  behavioral response to pain
GO:0006812  cation transport
GO:0003029  detection of hypoxic conditions in blood by carotid body chemoreceptor signaling
GO:0007528  neuromuscular junction development
GO:0007274  neuromuscular synaptic transmission
GO:0030432  peristalsis
GO:0010524  positive regulation of calcium ion transport into cytosol
GO:0050850  positive regulation of calcium-mediated signaling
GO:0051291  protein heterooligomerization
GO:0051260  protein homooligomerization
GO:0019228  regulation of action potential in neuron
GO:0033198  response to ATP
GO:0009743  response to carbohydrate stimulus
GO:0001666  response to hypoxia
GO:0050909  sensory perception of taste
GO:0014832  urinary bladder smooth muscle contraction

Cellular Component

GO:0043025  cell soma
GO:0043197  dendritic spine
GO:0016021  integral to membrane
GO:0016020  membrane
GO:0005886  plasma membrane
GO:0014069  postsynaptic density
GO:0042734  presynaptic membrane
GO:0043195  terminal button

Molecular Function

GO:0005524  ATP binding
GO:0004931  ATP-gated cation channel activity
GO:0046870  cadmium ion binding
GO:0050897  cobalt ion binding
GO:0005507  copper ion binding
GO:0008144  drug binding
GO:0042802  identical protein binding
GO:0015276  ligand-gated ion channel activity
GO:0045340  mercury ion binding
GO:0016151  nickel ion binding
GO:0035091  phosphoinositide binding
GO:0001614  purinergic nucleotide receptor activity
GO:0008270  zinc ion binding