DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box polypeptide 3, X-linked

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D1Pas1-related sequence 2, Erh, mDEAD3, D1Pas1-rs2, embryonic RNA helicase, Ddx3, Fin14, ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX3X, Embryonic RNA helicase, DEAD box RNA helicase DEAD3, Dead3, Ddx3x, DEAD box protein 3, X-chromosomal

Choropleth map on BodyParts3D

Choropleth maps on 3D human body images were generated by the relative gene expression values measured by GeneChip.

Classification in 40 Organs

brain blood connective
EST nodata
GeneChip cerebrum:10.90 cerebellum:11.35 brain stem:- corpus callosum/glia:- pineal gland:- peripheral nerve:11.38 spine:10.91 retina:11.11 eye:10.91 artery/aorta:- vein:11.70 lymphnode:11.80 peripheral blood:- spleen:11.49 thymus:- bone marrow:11.56 adipose:11.14 bone:11.65 skin:11.77
CAGE cerebrum:3.43 cerebellum:- brain stem:3.39 corpus callosum/glia:- pineal gland:- peripheral nerve:- spine:3.64 retina:- eye:- artery/aorta:4.05 vein:- lymphnode:4.44 peripheral blood:- spleen:3.15 thymus:3.61 bone marrow:- adipose:- bone:3.38 skin:4.32
RNA-seq cerebrum:3.53 cerebellum:- brain stem:- corpus callosum/glia:- pineal gland:- peripheral nerve:- spine:- retina:- eye:- artery/aorta:- vein:- lymphnode:- peripheral blood:- spleen:- thymus:- bone marrow:- adipose:- bone:- skin:-
reproductive muscular alimentary liver lung urinary endo/exo-crine
EST nodata
GeneChip uterus:12.10 placenta:11.93 prostate:11.73 ovary:12.29 testis:8.49 heart:10.62 muscle:11.29 esophagus:- stomach:11.49 intestine:11.59 colon:- liver/hepato:11.22 lung:11.75 bladder:11.72 kidney:11.01 pituitary:11.25 thyroid/parathyroid:- adrenal gland:11.74 pancreas:10.85 breast:11.74 salivary:11.89
CAGE uterus:3.44 placenta:4.12 prostate:3.43 ovary:3.66 testis:2.05 heart:- muscle:- esophagus:- stomach:3.00 intestine:3.45 colon:3.51     liver/hepato:4.05    lung:3.49 bladder:3.37 kidney:- pituitary:3.38 thyroid/parathyroid:- adrenal gland:3.64 pancreas:3.77 breast:4.09 salivary:-
RNA-seq uterus:- placenta:- prostate:- ovary:- testis:- heart:- muscle:6.89 esophagus:- stomach:- intestine:- colon:-     liver/hepato:12.49        lung:-    bladder:- kidney:- pituitary:- thyroid/parathyroid:- adrenal gland:- pancreas:- breast:- salivary:-


Refseq ID NM_010028
Gene ID 13205
Unigene ID -
Probe set ID 1423042_at  [Mouse430_2]
Ensembl ID ENSMUSG00000000787

Orthologous Gene

Human[4]  NM_001193416, NM_001193417, NM_001356
Rat[1]  NM_001108858, NM_001108246, NM_001356

Chromosomal Region


Gene Family (Interpro ID)

Link to Pubmed  (Pubmed ID)

Gene Ontology  (GO ID)

Biological Process

GO:0006915  apoptosis
GO:0006200  ATP catabolic process
GO:0071243  cellular response to arsenic
GO:0071470  cellular response to osmotic stress
GO:0007059  chromosome segregation
GO:0008625  induction of apoptosis via death domain receptors
GO:0045087  innate immune response
GO:0042256  mature ribosome assembly
GO:0008152  metabolic process
GO:0043066  negative regulation of apoptosis
GO:0043154  negative regulation of caspase activity
GO:0030308  negative regulation of cell growth
GO:0031333  negative regulation of protein complex assembly
GO:0017148  negative regulation of translation
GO:0043065  positive regulation of apoptosis
GO:0043280  positive regulation of caspase activity
GO:0030307  positive regulation of cell growth
GO:0045944  positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0045727  positive regulation of translation
GO:0045948  positive regulation of translational initiation
GO:0007243  protein kinase cascade
GO:0006355  regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0006417  regulation of translation
GO:0009615  response to virus
GO:0042254  ribosome biogenesis
GO:0010501  RNA secondary structure unwinding
GO:0034063  stress granule assembly
GO:0006351  transcription, DNA-dependent

Cellular Component

GO:0005737  cytoplasm
GO:0022627  cytosolic small ribosomal subunit
GO:0005852  eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex
GO:0016020  membrane
GO:0005741  mitochondrial outer membrane
GO:0005739  mitochondrion
GO:0005634  nucleus
GO:0010494  stress granule

Molecular Function

GO:0005524  ATP binding
GO:0004003  ATP-dependent DNA helicase activity
GO:0008026  ATP-dependent helicase activity
GO:0004004  ATP-dependent RNA helicase activity
GO:0016887  ATPase activity
GO:0003677  DNA binding
GO:0008190  eukaryotic initiation factor 4E binding
GO:0004386  helicase activity
GO:0016787  hydrolase activity
GO:0048027  mRNA 5'-UTR binding
GO:0003676  nucleic acid binding
GO:0000166  nucleotide binding
GO:0008143  poly(A) RNA binding
GO:0043024  ribosomal small subunit binding
GO:0003723  RNA binding
GO:0008134  transcription factor binding
GO:0031369  translation initiation factor binding