pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1

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IPF1, IDX-1, Pancreas/duodenum homeobox 1, Insulin promoter factor 1, Islet/duodenum homeobox-1, GSF, IUF1, insulin promoter factor 1 (IPF1), Insulin upstream factor 1, IPF-1, MODY4, STF-1, PDX-1, Glucose-sensitive factor, IUF-1, Somatostatin-transactivating factor 1, PDX1

Choropleth map on BodyParts3D

Choropleth maps on 3D human body images were generated by the relative gene expression values measured by GeneChip.

Classification in 40 Organs

brain blood connective
EST cerebrum:- cerebellum:- brain stem:- corpus callosum/glia:- pineal gland:- peripheral nerve:- spine:- retina:- eye:- artery/aorta:- vein:- lymphnode:- peripheral blood:- spleen:- thymus:- bone marrow:- adipose:- bone:- skin:-
GeneChip cerebrum:4.68 cerebellum:4.79 brain stem:4.77 corpus callosum/glia:4.50 pineal gland:- peripheral nerve:4.27 spine:4.33 retina:- eye:- artery/aorta:4.65 vein:4.86 lymphnode:4.23 peripheral blood:- spleen:4.11 thymus:4.25 bone marrow:4.57 adipose:4.58 bone:- skin:4.35
CAGE cerebrum:0.00 cerebellum:- brain stem:0 corpus callosum/glia:0 pineal gland:0.21 peripheral nerve:- spine:0.09 retina:- eye:- artery/aorta:0 vein:0 lymphnode:0 peripheral blood:- spleen:0 thymus:0 bone marrow:- adipose:0 bone:- skin:-
RNA-seq cerebrum:0 cerebellum:- brain stem:- corpus callosum/glia:- pineal gland:- peripheral nerve:- spine:- retina:- eye:- artery/aorta:- vein:- lymphnode:0 peripheral blood:- spleen:- thymus:- bone marrow:- adipose:0.03 bone:- skin:-
reproductive muscular alimentary liver lung urinary endo/exo-crine
EST uterus:- placenta:- prostate:- ovary:- testis:- heart:- muscle:- esophagus:- stomach:- intestine:- colon:-     liver/hepato:-        lung:-    bladder:- kidney:- pituitary:- thyroid/parathyroid:- adrenal gland:- pancreas:204.50 breast:- salivary:-
GeneChip uterus:4.39 placenta:4.32 prostate:4.34 ovary:4.41 testis:4.36 heart:4.75 muscle:5.12 esophagus:4.46 stomach:4.47 intestine:4.66 colon:4.87 liver/hepato:4.49 lung:4.47 bladder:- kidney:4.51 pituitary:4.70 thyroid/parathyroid:4.08 adrenal gland:4.50 pancreas:5.04 breast:4.19 salivary:4.30
CAGE uterus:0 placenta:0 prostate:0 ovary:0 testis:0 heart:0 muscle:0 esophagus:0 stomach:- intestine:2.89 colon:1.77     liver/hepato:0    lung:0 bladder:0 kidney:0 pituitary:0 thyroid/parathyroid:0 adrenal gland:- pancreas:3.10 breast:0 salivary:0
RNA-seq uterus:- placenta:- prostate:0 ovary:0.00 testis:0.16 heart:0 muscle:0 esophagus:- stomach:- intestine:- colon:0.02     liver/hepato:0.09        lung:0    bladder:- kidney:0 pituitary:- thyroid/parathyroid:0.07 adrenal gland:0 pancreas:- breast:0 salivary:-


Refseq ID NM_000209
Gene ID 3651
Unigene ID Hs.32938
Probe set ID 210938_at  [HG-U133_Plus_2]
Ensembl ID ENSG00000139515
GTEx ID ENSG00000139515

Orthologous Gene

Mouse[2]  NM_008814
Rat[2]  NM_008814

Chromosomal Region

Gene Family (Interpro ID)

Link to Pubmed  (Pubmed ID)

Gene Ontology  (GO ID)

Biological Process

GO:0007417  central nervous system development
GO:0051594  detection of glucose
GO:0031018  endocrine pancreas development
GO:0031017  exocrine pancreas development
GO:0006091  generation of precursor metabolites and energy
GO:0042593  glucose homeostasis
GO:0006006  glucose metabolic process
GO:0048565  gut development
GO:0030073  insulin secretion
GO:0001889  liver development
GO:0016331  morphogenesis of embryonic epithelium
GO:0008285  negative regulation of cell proliferation
GO:0000122  negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0007263  nitric oxide mediated signal transduction
GO:0009887  organ morphogenesis
GO:0031100  organ regeneration
GO:0010260  organ senescence
GO:0003309  pancreatic B cell differentiation
GO:0010942  positive regulation of cell death
GO:0008284  positive regulation of cell proliferation
GO:0043388  positive regulation of DNA binding
GO:0032024  positive regulation of insulin secretion
GO:0045944  positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0010157  response to chlorate
GO:0034097  response to cytokine stimulus
GO:0042493  response to drug
GO:0070542  response to fatty acid
GO:0051384  response to glucocorticoid stimulus
GO:0043201  response to leucine
GO:0035094  response to nicotine
GO:0033273  response to vitamin
GO:0009611  response to wounding
GO:0007224  smoothened signaling pathway
GO:0048863  stem cell differentiation
GO:0006366  transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0060290  transdifferentiation

Cellular Component

GO:0005829  cytosol
GO:0005634  nucleus

Molecular Function

GO:0003682  chromatin binding
GO:0032403  protein complex binding
GO:0046982  protein heterodimerization activity
GO:0003700  transcription factor activity
GO:0008134  transcription factor binding