sal-like 1 (Drosophila)




発現マップ on BodyParts3D

相対発現量を、人体 3D 画像にマップしたものです。Genechip 組織40分類 の発現パターンを使用しています。


EST 大脳:47.90 小脳:- 脳幹:- 脳梁:- 松果体:- 末梢神経:- 脊柱:- 網膜:- 目:- 動脈:- 静脈:- リンパ節:- 末梢血:- 脾臓:- 胸腺:- 骨髄:- 脂肪:- 骨:- 皮膚:-
GeneChip nodata
CAGE nodata
RNA-seq nodata
EST 子宮:- 胎盤:- 前立腺:38 卵巣:- 精巣:- 心臓:- 骨格筋:- 食道:- 胃:- 腸:- 結腸:-     肝臓:39.90        肺:-    膀胱:- 腎臓:127.60 下垂体:- 甲状腺:- 副腎:- 膵臓:- 乳腺:- 唾液腺:-
GeneChip nodata
CAGE nodata
RNA-seq nodata


Refseq ID XM_001066559
Gene ID 307740
Unigene ID Rn.32153
Probe set ID -
Ensembl ID -


ヒト [0]  
マウス [0]  


遺伝子ファミリー (Interpro ID)

Link to Pubmed  (Pubmed ID)

遺伝子オントロジー  (GO ID)

Biological Process

GO:0030325  adrenal gland development
GO:0008150  biological_process
GO:0001658  branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis
GO:0042733  embryonic digit morphogenesis
GO:0048566  embryonic gut development
GO:0035136  forelimb morphogenesis
GO:0008406  gonad development
GO:0007507  heart development
GO:0035137  hindlimb morphogenesis
GO:0031129  inductive cell-cell signaling
GO:0001822  kidney development
GO:0060173  limb development
GO:0003337  mesenchymal to epithelial transition involved in metanephros morphogenesis
GO:0045879  negative regulation of smoothened signaling pathway
GO:0000122  negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0045892  negative regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0001843  neural tube closure
GO:0021915  neural tube development
GO:0021772  olfactory bulb development
GO:0021889  olfactory bulb interneuron differentiation
GO:0021553  olfactory nerve development
GO:0042473  outer ear morphogenesis
GO:0021983  pituitary gland development
GO:0045666  positive regulation of neuron differentiation
GO:0045944  positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0045893  positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0030177  positive regulation of Wnt receptor signaling pathway
GO:0001657  ureteric bud development
GO:0003281  ventricular septum development

Cellular Component

GO:0005575  cellular_component
GO:0010369  chromocenter
GO:0005737  cytoplasm
GO:0000792  heterochromatin
GO:0005634  nucleus
GO:0016581  NuRD complex

Molecular Function

GO:0008013  beta-catenin binding
GO:0003682  chromatin binding
GO:0003677  DNA binding
GO:0004407  histone deacetylase activity
GO:0003674  molecular_function
GO:0008270  zinc ion binding