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gastrulation brain homeobox 1

Synonymgastrulation brain homeobox 1, Homeobox protein GBX-1, gastrulation brain homeo box 1, Gastrulation and brain-specific homeobox protein 1, GBX1
Refseq IDNM_001098834
Unigene IDHs.647114
Probe set ID217011_at
EST nodata
GeneChip brain:6.24  blood:6.13  connective:6.23  reproductive:6.15  muscular:6.49  alimentary:6.16  liver:6.19  lung:6.13  urinary:6.21  endo/exo-crine:6.17 
CAGE brain:0.06  blood:0.00  connective:0.14  reproductive:0.07  muscular:0.00  alimentary:0.00  liver:0.00  lung:0.00  urinary:0.00  endo/exo-crine:0.00 
RNA-seq brain:0.00  blood:0.00  connective:0.00  reproductive:0.37  muscular:0.13  alimentary:0.00  liver:0.00  lung:0.00  urinary:0.00  endo/exo-crine:0.04 