teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1



Cripto growth factor, teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor, Cripto, Epidermal growth factor-like Cripto protein, CR1, Teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor precursor, cripto, Tdgf1

発現マップ on BodyParts3D

相対発現量を、人体 3D 画像にマップしたものです。Genechip 組織40分類 の発現パターンを使用しています。


EST 大脳:- 小脳:- 脳幹:- 脳梁:- 松果体:- 末梢神経:- 脊柱:- 網膜:- 目:- 動脈:- 静脈:- リンパ節:- 末梢血:- 脾臓:- 胸腺:9.90 骨髄:- 脂肪:- 骨:- 皮膚:-
GeneChip 大脳:3.64 小脳:4.37 脳幹:- 脳梁:- 松果体:- 末梢神経:3.65 脊柱:5.12 網膜:3.74 目:3.73 動脈:- 静脈:3.57 リンパ節:3.72 末梢血:- 脾臓:3.85 胸腺:- 骨髄:3.75 脂肪:3.58 骨:3.43 皮膚:3.60
CAGE nodata
RNA-seq 大脳:0.80 小脳:0.80 脳幹:0.80 脳梁:0.80 松果体:0.80 末梢神経:0.80 脊柱:0.80 網膜:0.80 目:0.80 動脈:- 静脈:- リンパ節:- 末梢血:- 脾臓:- 胸腺:- 骨髄:- 脂肪:- 骨:- 皮膚:-
EST 子宮:- 胎盤:- 前立腺:- 卵巣:- 精巣:14.80 心臓:- 骨格筋:- 食道:- 胃:- 腸:- 結腸:-     肝臓:-        肺:-    膀胱:- 腎臓:- 下垂体:- 甲状腺:- 副腎:- 膵臓:- 乳腺:- 唾液腺:-
GeneChip 子宮:3.36 胎盤:3.54 前立腺:3.73 卵巣:3.62 精巣:3.63 心臓:3.73 骨格筋:3.65 食道:- 胃:3.53 腸:3.50 結腸:- 肝臓:3.76 肺:3.62 膀胱:3.50 腎臓:3.58 下垂体:3.72 甲状腺:- 副腎:3.61 膵臓:3.67 乳腺:3.52 唾液腺:3.70
CAGE nodata
RNA-seq 子宮:- 胎盤:- 前立腺:- 卵巣:- 精巣:- 心臓:- 骨格筋:- 食道:- 胃:- 腸:- 結腸:-     肝臓:-        肺:-    膀胱:- 腎臓:- 下垂体:- 甲状腺:- 副腎:- 膵臓:- 乳腺:- 唾液腺:-

遺伝子オントロジー  (GO ID)

Biological Process

GO:0000187  activation of MAPK activity
GO:0009948  anterior/posterior axis specification
GO:0030509  BMP signaling pathway
GO:0055007  cardiac muscle cell differentiation
GO:0030154  cell differentiation
GO:0002042  cell migration involved in sprouting angiogenesis
GO:0071364  cellular response to epidermal growth factor stimulus
GO:0071346  cellular response to interferon-gamma
GO:0071354  cellular response to interleukin-6
GO:0071356  cellular response to tumor necrosis factor
GO:0008595  determination of anterior/posterior axis, embryo
GO:0007173  epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway
GO:0007369  gastrulation
GO:0007507  heart development
GO:0001701  in utero embryonic development
GO:0001763  morphogenesis of a branching structure
GO:0043066  negative regulation of apoptosis
GO:0030512  negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
GO:0018105  peptidyl-serine phosphorylation
GO:0030335  positive regulation of cell migration
GO:0008284  positive regulation of cell proliferation
GO:0001954  positive regulation of cell-matrix adhesion
GO:0010595  positive regulation of endothelial cell migration
GO:0048146  positive regulation of fibroblast proliferation
GO:0050731  positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation
GO:0045944  positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0030334  regulation of cell migration
GO:0009966  regulation of signal transduction
GO:0001570  vasculogenesis
GO:0060070  Wnt receptor signaling pathway through beta-catenin

Cellular Component

GO:0031225  anchored to membrane
GO:0016324  apical plasma membrane
GO:0009986  cell surface
GO:0005737  cytoplasm
GO:0005576  extracellular region
GO:0005615  extracellular space
GO:0019897  extrinsic to plasma membrane
GO:0005794  Golgi apparatus
GO:0016020  membrane
GO:0045121  membrane raft
GO:0005634  nucleus
GO:0048471  perinuclear region of cytoplasm
GO:0005886  plasma membrane

Molecular Function

GO:0015026  coreceptor activity
GO:0008083  growth factor activity
GO:0005515  protein binding
GO:0005102  receptor binding
GO:0070698  type I activin receptor binding
GO:0017147  Wnt-protein binding