Eph receptor A1



5730453L17Rik, AL033318, Eph receptor A1, Ephrin type-A receptor 1 precursor, Esk, Epha1, Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor ESK, Eph

発現マップ on BodyParts3D

相対発現量を、人体 3D 画像にマップしたものです。Genechip 組織40分類 の発現パターンを使用しています。


EST 大脳:8.70 小脳:- 脳幹:63.60 脳梁:- 松果体:- 末梢神経:- 脊柱:- 網膜:- 目:7.60 動脈:- 静脈:- リンパ節:- 末梢血:43.10 脾臓:- 胸腺:98.80 骨髄:- 脂肪:- 骨:25 皮膚:79.20
GeneChip 大脳:5.01 小脳:5.36 脳幹:- 脳梁:- 松果体:- 末梢神経:5.28 脊柱:5.47 網膜:5.17 目:5.36 動脈:- 静脈:4.94 リンパ節:4.85 末梢血:- 脾臓:5.15 胸腺:- 骨髄:4.79 脂肪:5.38 骨:4.84 皮膚:5.53
CAGE 大脳:0.45 小脳:- 脳幹:0.44 脳梁:- 松果体:- 末梢神経:- 脊柱:0.44 網膜:- 目:- 動脈:1.01 静脈:- リンパ節:0 末梢血:- 脾臓:0 胸腺:1.06 骨髄:- 脂肪:- 骨:0 皮膚:3.84
RNA-seq 大脳:10.95 小脳:- 脳幹:- 脳梁:- 松果体:- 末梢神経:- 脊柱:- 網膜:- 目:- 動脈:- 静脈:- リンパ節:- 末梢血:- 脾臓:- 胸腺:- 骨髄:- 脂肪:- 骨:- 皮膚:-
EST 子宮:- 胎盤:- 前立腺:- 卵巣:- 精巣:- 心臓:- 骨格筋:71 食道:- 胃:- 腸:37 結腸:70.50     肝臓:36.20        肺:40.20    膀胱:66.20 腎臓:32.20 下垂体:51.70 甲状腺:- 副腎:- 膵臓:37.50 乳腺:22.90 唾液腺:-
GeneChip 子宮:5.87 胎盤:5.59 前立腺:5.51 卵巣:5.15 精巣:5.49 心臓:5.57 骨格筋:5.40 食道:- 胃:6.09 腸:6.02 結腸:- 肝臓:6.58 肺:5.45 膀胱:5.84 腎臓:5.95 下垂体:5.28 甲状腺:- 副腎:4.83 膵臓:5.92 乳腺:5.38 唾液腺:5.57
CAGE 子宮:2.32 胎盤:1.94 前立腺:1.97 卵巣:1.09 精巣:0 心臓:- 骨格筋:- 食道:- 胃:2.52 腸:4.08 結腸:3.76     肝臓:3.33    肺:2.48 膀胱:3.06 腎臓:- 下垂体:1.63 甲状腺:- 副腎:0.14 膵臓:1.30 乳腺:1.75 唾液腺:-
RNA-seq 子宮:- 胎盤:- 前立腺:- 卵巣:- 精巣:- 心臓:- 骨格筋:1.32 食道:- 胃:- 腸:- 結腸:-     肝臓:3.52        肺:-    膀胱:- 腎臓:- 下垂体:- 甲状腺:- 副腎:- 膵臓:- 乳腺:- 唾液腺:-

遺伝子オントロジー  (GO ID)

Biological Process

GO:0032862  activation of Rho GTPase activity
GO:0001525  angiogenesis
GO:0007155  cell adhesion
GO:0007166  cell surface receptor linked signal transduction
GO:0048013  ephrin receptor signaling pathway
GO:0030336  negative regulation of cell migration
GO:0006469  negative regulation of protein kinase activity
GO:0018108  peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation
GO:0016310  phosphorylation
GO:0045766  positive regulation of angiogenesis
GO:0030335  positive regulation of cell migration
GO:0008284  positive regulation of cell proliferation
GO:0001954  positive regulation of cell-matrix adhesion
GO:0051496  positive regulation of stress fiber formation
GO:0046777  protein amino acid autophosphorylation
GO:0006468  protein amino acid phosphorylation
GO:0032314  regulation of Rac GTPase activity
GO:0034446  substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading
GO:0007169  transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway

Cellular Component

GO:0016021  integral to membrane
GO:0005887  integral to plasma membrane
GO:0016020  membrane
GO:0005886  plasma membrane

Molecular Function

GO:0005524  ATP binding
GO:0005003  ephrin receptor activity
GO:0016301  kinase activity
GO:0000166  nucleotide binding
GO:0004672  protein kinase activity
GO:0019901  protein kinase binding
GO:0004713  protein tyrosine kinase activity
GO:0016740  transferase activity
GO:0016772  transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups
GO:0004714  transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity
GO:0005005  transmembrane-ephrin receptor activity