forkhead box F1a



Hfh8, Freac-1, FREAC-1, Freac1, Forkhead-related transcription factor 1, Fkhl5, Forkhead-related protein FKHL5, Forkhead box protein F1, forkhead box F1a, Foxf1a, Hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 forkhead homolog 8, HFH-8, AI450827, FREAC1, Foxf1

発現マップ on BodyParts3D

相対発現量を、人体 3D 画像にマップしたものです。Genechip 組織40分類 の発現パターンを使用しています。


EST 大脳:- 小脳:- 脳幹:- 脳梁:- 松果体:- 末梢神経:- 脊柱:- 網膜:- 目:- 動脈:- 静脈:- リンパ節:- 末梢血:- 脾臓:- 胸腺:- 骨髄:- 脂肪:- 骨:25 皮膚:-
GeneChip 大脳:6.45 小脳:6.53 脳幹:- 脳梁:- 松果体:- 末梢神経:6.22 脊柱:6.62 網膜:6.18 目:6.42 動脈:- 静脈:6.59 リンパ節:6.44 末梢血:- 脾臓:6.52 胸腺:- 骨髄:6.57 脂肪:6.44 骨:6.18 皮膚:6.13
CAGE 大脳:0 小脳:- 脳幹:0.55 脳梁:- 松果体:- 末梢神経:- 脊柱:0.66 網膜:- 目:- 動脈:0.46 静脈:- リンパ節:1.12 末梢血:- 脾臓:0.29 胸腺:0 骨髄:- 脂肪:- 骨:0 皮膚:0
RNA-seq 大脳:0.65 小脳:- 脳幹:- 脳梁:- 松果体:- 末梢神経:- 脊柱:- 網膜:- 目:- 動脈:- 静脈:- リンパ節:- 末梢血:- 脾臓:- 胸腺:- 骨髄:- 脂肪:- 骨:- 皮膚:-
EST 子宮:- 胎盤:27.60 前立腺:- 卵巣:- 精巣:- 心臓:- 骨格筋:- 食道:- 胃:- 腸:- 結腸:-     肝臓:-        肺:20.10    膀胱:- 腎臓:- 下垂体:- 甲状腺:- 副腎:- 膵臓:28.10 乳腺:3.30 唾液腺:-
GeneChip 子宮:6.30 胎盤:6.86 前立腺:6.46 卵巣:6.19 精巣:6.71 心臓:6.84 骨格筋:6.68 食道:- 胃:7.45 腸:6.99 結腸:- 肝臓:6.56 肺:9.59 膀胱:8.07 腎臓:6.71 下垂体:6.53 甲状腺:- 副腎:6.36 膵臓:6.44 乳腺:6.44 唾液腺:6.19
CAGE 子宮:0.44 胎盤:1.79 前立腺:0.20 卵巣:0.45 精巣:0.99 心臓:- 骨格筋:- 食道:- 胃:3.32 腸:2.19 結腸:2.35     肝臓:1.38    肺:4.70 膀胱:3.51 腎臓:- 下垂体:0 甲状腺:- 副腎:0.14 膵臓:0 乳腺:0.12 唾液腺:-
RNA-seq 子宮:- 胎盤:- 前立腺:- 卵巣:- 精巣:- 心臓:- 骨格筋:- 食道:- 胃:- 腸:- 結腸:-     肝臓:0.64        肺:-    膀胱:- 腎臓:- 下垂体:- 甲状腺:- 副腎:- 膵臓:- 乳腺:- 唾液腺:-

遺伝子オントロジー  (GO ID)

Biological Process

GO:0001568  blood vessel development
GO:0060441  branching involved in lung morphogenesis
GO:0060446  branching involved in open tracheal system development
GO:0003214  cardiac left ventricle morphogenesis
GO:0016337  cell-cell adhesion
GO:0071345  cellular response to cytokine stimulus
GO:0071407  cellular response to organic cyclic substance
GO:0014822  detection of wounding
GO:0007368  determination of left/right symmetry
GO:0048557  embryonic digestive tract morphogenesis
GO:0048613  embryonic ectodermal gut morphogenesis
GO:0048617  embryonic foregut morphogenesis
GO:0048566  embryonic gut development
GO:0003197  endocardial cushion development
GO:0045198  establishment of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity
GO:0030198  extracellular matrix organization
GO:0048565  gut development
GO:0007507  heart development
GO:0001701  in utero embryonic development
GO:0048371  lateral mesodermal cell differentiation
GO:0048286  lung alveolus development
GO:0030324  lung development
GO:0060463  lung lobe morphogenesis
GO:0060425  lung morphogenesis
GO:0060426  lung vasculature development
GO:0090131  mesenchyme migration
GO:0007498  mesoderm development
GO:0007494  midgut development
GO:0001763  morphogenesis of a branching structure
GO:0050728  negative regulation of inflammatory response
GO:0043305  negative regulation of mast cell degranulation
GO:0000122  negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0009887  organ morphogenesis
GO:0031016  pancreas development
GO:0030335  positive regulation of cell migration
GO:0010811  positive regulation of cell-substrate adhesion
GO:0002053  positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation
GO:0045944  positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0045893  positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0051150  regulation of smooth muscle cell differentiation
GO:0051090  regulation of transcription factor activity
GO:0006355  regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0030323  respiratory tube development
GO:0060461  right lung morphogenesis
GO:0051145  smooth muscle cell differentiation
GO:0007224  smoothened signaling pathway
GO:0001756  somitogenesis
GO:0060438  trachea development
GO:0006351  transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0001570  vasculogenesis
GO:0060841  venous blood vessel development

Cellular Component

GO:0005634  nucleus
GO:0005667  transcription factor complex

Molecular Function

GO:0008301  DNA bending activity
GO:0003677  DNA binding
GO:0044212  DNA regulatory region binding
GO:0003690  double-stranded DNA binding
GO:0003705  RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity, enhancer binding
GO:0043565  sequence-specific DNA binding
GO:0003700  transcription factor activity
GO:0008134  transcription factor binding