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proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 5

SynonymProteasome subunit p45, PSMC5, SUG1, 26S protease regulatory subunit 8, TRIP1, p45/SUG, S8, TBP10, Thyroid hormone receptor-interacting protein 1, Proteasome 26S subunit ATPase 5
Refseq IDNM_002805
Unigene IDHs.79387
Probe set ID209503_s_at
EST brain:130.90  blood:86.10  connective:170.30  reproductive:95.80  muscular:109.30  alimentary:90.50  liver:84.40  lung:97.80  urinary:38.40  endo/exo-crine:31.10 
GeneChip brain:8.62  blood:8.23  connective:8.26  reproductive:8.37  muscular:8.26  alimentary:8.06  liver:7.91  lung:8.04  urinary:8.41  endo/exo-crine:8.18 
CAGE brain:4.58  blood:4.41  connective:4.31  reproductive:4.43  muscular:4.85  alimentary:4.35  liver:4.68  lung:4.18  urinary:4.58  endo/exo-crine:4.47 
RNA-seq brain:6.57  blood:5.97  connective:6.53  reproductive:6.59  muscular:6.25  alimentary:6.63  liver:5.95  lung:5.33  urinary:6.48  endo/exo-crine:6.52 

SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 2

SynonymBAF60B, 60 kDa BRG-1/Brm-associated factor subunit B, SMARCD2, CRACD2, BRG1-associated factor 60B, PRO2451
Refseq IDNM_001098426
Unigene IDHs.250581
Probe set ID201827_at
EST brain:33.80  blood:62.60  connective:28.90  reproductive:57.50  muscular:23.40  alimentary:70.40  liver:52.80  lung:53.80  urinary:19.20  endo/exo-crine:81.50 
GeneChip brain:5.73  blood:6.99  connective:7.00  reproductive:6.79  muscular:5.84  alimentary:6.89  liver:6.98  lung:7.07  urinary:6.16  endo/exo-crine:7.25 
CAGE brain:2.64  blood:3.62  connective:3.39  reproductive:3.41  muscular:2.69  alimentary:3.68  liver:3.12  lung:3.42  urinary:3.24  endo/exo-crine:3.44 
RNA-seq brain:2.51  blood:4.48  connective:4.10  reproductive:4.52  muscular:2.29  alimentary:3.98  liver:4.30  lung:4.01  urinary:4.19  endo/exo-crine:4.26 

SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 2

SynonymBAF60B, 60 kDa BRG-1/Brm-associated factor subunit B, SMARCD2, CRACD2, BRG1-associated factor 60B, PRO2451
Refseq IDNM_003077
Unigene IDHs.250581
Probe set ID-
EST brain:33.80  blood:62.60  connective:28.90  reproductive:57.50  muscular:23.40  alimentary:70.40  liver:52.80  lung:53.80  urinary:19.20  endo/exo-crine:81.50 
GeneChip nodata
CAGE brain:2.64  blood:3.62  connective:3.39  reproductive:3.41  muscular:2.69  alimentary:3.68  liver:3.12  lung:3.42  urinary:3.24  endo/exo-crine:3.44 
RNA-seq nodata