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non-metastatic cells 6, protein expressed in (nucleoside-diphosphate kinase)

SynonymNM23-H6, IPIA-ALPHA, nm23-H6, IPIA-alpha, Nucleoside diphosphate kinase 6, NDK 6, NME6, Inhibitor of p53-induced apoptosis-alpha, NDP kinase 6
Refseq IDNM_005793
Unigene IDHs.465558
Probe set ID205851_at
EST brain:8.40  blood:18.30  connective:6.40  reproductive:21.90  muscular:-  alimentary:5.00  liver:-  lung:4.90  urinary:19.20  endo/exo-crine:15.50 
GeneChip brain:5.09  blood:5.63  connective:5.27  reproductive:5.62  muscular:5.62  alimentary:5.58  liver:5.48  lung:5.40  urinary:5.82  endo/exo-crine:5.71 
CAGE brain:1.71  blood:2.10  connective:1.95  reproductive:2.25  muscular:2.11  alimentary:2.14  liver:2.22  lung:1.82  urinary:2.18  endo/exo-crine:2.33 
RNA-seq brain:1.19  blood:1.93  connective:2.32  reproductive:2.56  muscular:2.09  alimentary:1.82  liver:2.05  lung:1.65  urinary:2.08  endo/exo-crine:2.36 