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patched homolog 1 (Drosophila)

SynonymPTCH1, PTC1, NBCCS, patched homolog (Drosophila), Protein patched homolog 1, patched (Drosophila) homolog, FLJ42602, patched homolog 1 (Drosophila), BCNS, HPE7, PTCH
Refseq IDNM_001083606
Unigene IDHs.494538
Probe set ID209815_at
EST brain:37.10  blood:7.80  connective:16.10  reproductive:35.60  muscular:15.60  alimentary:20.10  liver:-  lung:19.60  urinary:28.80  endo/exo-crine:19.40 
GeneChip brain:6.68  blood:5.12  connective:5.35  reproductive:7.04  muscular:4.90  alimentary:6.56  liver:4.85  lung:6.45  urinary:5.93  endo/exo-crine:6.04 
CAGE brain:1.96  blood:1.49  connective:1.12  reproductive:2.12  muscular:1.29  alimentary:2.38  liver:0.78  lung:2.13  urinary:1.46  endo/exo-crine:2.01 
RNA-seq brain:0.32  blood:0.57  connective:0.73  reproductive:0.45  muscular:0.28  alimentary:0.39  liver:0.22  lung:0.55  urinary:0.57  endo/exo-crine:1.00 

patched homolog 1 (Drosophila)

SynonymPTCH1, PTC1, NBCCS, patched homolog (Drosophila), Protein patched homolog 1, patched (Drosophila) homolog, FLJ42602, patched homolog 1 (Drosophila), BCNS, HPE7, PTCH
Refseq IDNM_001083606
Unigene IDHs.638946
Probe set ID209815_at
EST nodata
GeneChip brain:6.68  blood:5.12  connective:5.35  reproductive:7.04  muscular:4.90  alimentary:6.56  liver:4.85  lung:6.45  urinary:5.93  endo/exo-crine:6.04 
CAGE brain:1.96  blood:1.49  connective:1.12  reproductive:2.12  muscular:1.29  alimentary:2.38  liver:0.78  lung:2.13  urinary:1.46  endo/exo-crine:2.01 
RNA-seq brain:0.32  blood:0.57  connective:0.73  reproductive:0.45  muscular:0.28  alimentary:0.39  liver:0.22  lung:0.55  urinary:0.57  endo/exo-crine:1.00 

patched homolog 1 (Drosophila)

SynonymPTCH1, PTC1, NBCCS, patched homolog (Drosophila), Protein patched homolog 1, patched (Drosophila) homolog, FLJ42602, patched homolog 1 (Drosophila), BCNS, HPE7, PTCH
Refseq IDNM_001083607
Unigene IDHs.494538
Probe set ID209815_at
EST brain:37.10  blood:7.80  connective:16.10  reproductive:35.60  muscular:15.60  alimentary:20.10  liver:-  lung:19.60  urinary:28.80  endo/exo-crine:19.40 
GeneChip brain:6.68  blood:5.12  connective:5.35  reproductive:7.04  muscular:4.90  alimentary:6.56  liver:4.85  lung:6.45  urinary:5.93  endo/exo-crine:6.04 
CAGE brain:1.96  blood:1.49  connective:1.12  reproductive:2.12  muscular:1.29  alimentary:2.38  liver:0.78  lung:2.13  urinary:1.46  endo/exo-crine:2.01 
RNA-seq brain:0.00  blood:1.08  connective:0.21  reproductive:0.47  muscular:0.00  alimentary:0.12  liver:0.00  lung:0.00  urinary:0.16  endo/exo-crine:0.46 

patched homolog 1 (Drosophila)

SynonymPTCH1, PTC1, NBCCS, patched homolog (Drosophila), Protein patched homolog 1, patched (Drosophila) homolog, FLJ42602, patched homolog 1 (Drosophila), BCNS, HPE7, PTCH
Refseq IDNM_001083607
Unigene IDHs.638946
Probe set ID209815_at
EST nodata
GeneChip brain:6.68  blood:5.12  connective:5.35  reproductive:7.04  muscular:4.90  alimentary:6.56  liver:4.85  lung:6.45  urinary:5.93  endo/exo-crine:6.04 
CAGE brain:1.96  blood:1.49  connective:1.12  reproductive:2.12  muscular:1.29  alimentary:2.38  liver:0.78  lung:2.13  urinary:1.46  endo/exo-crine:2.01 
RNA-seq brain:0.00  blood:1.08  connective:0.21  reproductive:0.47  muscular:0.00  alimentary:0.12  liver:0.00  lung:0.00  urinary:0.16  endo/exo-crine:0.46 

pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1

SynonymIPF1, IDX-1, Pancreas/duodenum homeobox 1, Insulin promoter factor 1, Islet/duodenum homeobox-1, GSF, IUF1, insulin promoter factor 1 (IPF1), Insulin upstream factor 1, IPF-1, MODY4, STF-1, PDX-1, Glucose-sensitive factor, IUF-1, Somatostatin-transactivating factor 1, PDX1
Refseq IDNM_000209
Unigene IDHs.32938
Probe set ID210938_at
EST brain:-  blood:-  connective:-  reproductive:-  muscular:-  alimentary:-  liver:-  lung:-  urinary:-  endo/exo-crine:89.30 
GeneChip brain:4.67  blood:4.49  connective:4.52  reproductive:4.37  muscular:4.91  alimentary:4.58  liver:4.49  lung:4.47  urinary:4.51  endo/exo-crine:4.40 
CAGE brain:0.02  blood:0.00  connective:0.00  reproductive:0.00  muscular:0.00  alimentary:1.61  liver:0.00  lung:0.00  urinary:0.00  endo/exo-crine:0.52 
RNA-seq brain:0.00  blood:0.00  connective:0.03  reproductive:0.06  muscular:0.00  alimentary:0.02  liver:0.09  lung:0.00  urinary:0.00  endo/exo-crine:0.02 

patched homolog 1 (Drosophila)

SynonymPTCH1, PTC1, NBCCS, patched homolog (Drosophila), Protein patched homolog 1, patched (Drosophila) homolog, FLJ42602, patched homolog 1 (Drosophila), BCNS, HPE7, PTCH
Refseq IDNM_000264
Unigene IDHs.494538
Probe set ID208522_s_at
EST brain:37.10  blood:7.80  connective:16.10  reproductive:35.60  muscular:15.60  alimentary:20.10  liver:-  lung:19.60  urinary:28.80  endo/exo-crine:19.40 
GeneChip brain:4.08  blood:4.03  connective:4.04  reproductive:3.98  muscular:4.27  alimentary:4.08  liver:4.00  lung:3.94  urinary:3.90  endo/exo-crine:3.92 
CAGE brain:1.96  blood:1.49  connective:1.12  reproductive:2.12  muscular:1.29  alimentary:2.38  liver:0.78  lung:2.13  urinary:1.46  endo/exo-crine:2.01 
RNA-seq brain:0.15  blood:0.25  connective:0.10  reproductive:0.35  muscular:0.09  alimentary:0.17  liver:0.07  lung:0.12  urinary:0.10  endo/exo-crine:0.22 

patched homolog 1 (Drosophila)

SynonymPTCH1, PTC1, NBCCS, patched homolog (Drosophila), Protein patched homolog 1, patched (Drosophila) homolog, FLJ42602, patched homolog 1 (Drosophila), BCNS, HPE7, PTCH
Refseq IDNM_000264
Unigene IDHs.638946
Probe set ID208522_s_at
EST nodata
GeneChip brain:4.08  blood:4.03  connective:4.04  reproductive:3.98  muscular:4.27  alimentary:4.08  liver:4.00  lung:3.94  urinary:3.90  endo/exo-crine:3.92 
CAGE brain:1.96  blood:1.49  connective:1.12  reproductive:2.12  muscular:1.29  alimentary:2.38  liver:0.78  lung:2.13  urinary:1.46  endo/exo-crine:2.01 
RNA-seq brain:0.15  blood:0.25  connective:0.10  reproductive:0.35  muscular:0.09  alimentary:0.17  liver:0.07  lung:0.12  urinary:0.10  endo/exo-crine:0.22 

patched homolog 1 (Drosophila)

SynonymPTCH1, PTC1, NBCCS, patched homolog (Drosophila), Protein patched homolog 1, patched (Drosophila) homolog, FLJ42602, patched homolog 1 (Drosophila), BCNS, HPE7, PTCH
Refseq IDNM_001083602
Unigene IDHs.494538
Probe set ID208522_s_at
EST brain:37.10  blood:7.80  connective:16.10  reproductive:35.60  muscular:15.60  alimentary:20.10  liver:-  lung:19.60  urinary:28.80  endo/exo-crine:19.40 
GeneChip brain:4.08  blood:4.03  connective:4.04  reproductive:3.98  muscular:4.27  alimentary:4.08  liver:4.00  lung:3.94  urinary:3.90  endo/exo-crine:3.92 
CAGE brain:1.96  blood:1.49  connective:1.12  reproductive:2.12  muscular:1.29  alimentary:2.38  liver:0.78  lung:2.13  urinary:1.46  endo/exo-crine:2.01 
RNA-seq brain:0.00  blood:0.20  connective:0.00  reproductive:0.24  muscular:0.00  alimentary:0.00  liver:0.00  lung:0.00  urinary:0.05  endo/exo-crine:0.02 

patched homolog 1 (Drosophila)

SynonymPTCH1, PTC1, NBCCS, patched homolog (Drosophila), Protein patched homolog 1, patched (Drosophila) homolog, FLJ42602, patched homolog 1 (Drosophila), BCNS, HPE7, PTCH
Refseq IDNM_001083602
Unigene IDHs.638946
Probe set ID208522_s_at
EST nodata
GeneChip brain:4.08  blood:4.03  connective:4.04  reproductive:3.98  muscular:4.27  alimentary:4.08  liver:4.00  lung:3.94  urinary:3.90  endo/exo-crine:3.92 
CAGE brain:1.96  blood:1.49  connective:1.12  reproductive:2.12  muscular:1.29  alimentary:2.38  liver:0.78  lung:2.13  urinary:1.46  endo/exo-crine:2.01 
RNA-seq brain:0.00  blood:0.20  connective:0.00  reproductive:0.24  muscular:0.00  alimentary:0.00  liver:0.00  lung:0.00  urinary:0.05  endo/exo-crine:0.02 

patched homolog 1 (Drosophila)

SynonymPTCH1, PTC1, NBCCS, patched homolog (Drosophila), Protein patched homolog 1, patched (Drosophila) homolog, FLJ42602, patched homolog 1 (Drosophila), BCNS, HPE7, PTCH
Refseq IDNM_001083603
Unigene IDHs.494538
Probe set ID208522_s_at
EST brain:37.10  blood:7.80  connective:16.10  reproductive:35.60  muscular:15.60  alimentary:20.10  liver:-  lung:19.60  urinary:28.80  endo/exo-crine:19.40 
GeneChip brain:4.08  blood:4.03  connective:4.04  reproductive:3.98  muscular:4.27  alimentary:4.08  liver:4.00  lung:3.94  urinary:3.90  endo/exo-crine:3.92 
CAGE brain:1.96  blood:1.49  connective:1.12  reproductive:2.12  muscular:1.29  alimentary:2.38  liver:0.78  lung:2.13  urinary:1.46  endo/exo-crine:2.01 
RNA-seq brain:0.30  blood:0.14  connective:0.00  reproductive:0.00  muscular:0.05  alimentary:0.19  liver:0.00  lung:0.00  urinary:0.00  endo/exo-crine:0.00