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adaptor protein, phosphotyrosine interaction, PH domain and leucine zipper containing 2

SynonymFLJ10659, DIP13 beta, DIP13B
Refseq IDNM_018171
Unigene IDHs.506603
Probe set ID218218_at
EST brain:33.80  blood:31.30  connective:48.20  reproductive:64.30  muscular:54.70  alimentary:75.50  liver:-  lung:24.40  urinary:86.40  endo/exo-crine:54.40 
GeneChip brain:5.28  blood:5.03  connective:5.75  reproductive:6.32  muscular:4.69  alimentary:5.26  liver:4.73  lung:4.85  urinary:5.09  endo/exo-crine:5.50 
CAGE brain:3.56  blood:3.09  connective:3.34  reproductive:3.43  muscular:3.05  alimentary:3.66  liver:2.79  lung:3.10  urinary:2.85  endo/exo-crine:3.21 
RNA-seq brain:3.18  blood:2.96  connective:3.73  reproductive:3.79  muscular:2.46  alimentary:2.89  liver:2.50  lung:3.17  urinary:3.63  endo/exo-crine:3.04 