histone deacetylase 6

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histone deacetylase 6, HD6, Histone deacetylase mHDA2, mHDA2, Sfc6, Hdac5, Histone deacetylase 6, Hdac6

Choropleth map on BodyParts3D

Choropleth maps on 3D human body images were generated by the relative gene expression values measured by GeneChip.

Classification in 40 Organs

brain blood connective
EST cerebrum:5.20 cerebellum:- brain stem:- corpus callosum/glia:- pineal gland:- peripheral nerve:- spine:- retina:- eye:- artery/aorta:- vein:- lymphnode:- peripheral blood:- spleen:- thymus:- bone marrow:- adipose:- bone:- skin:31.70
GeneChip cerebrum:8.83 cerebellum:8.67 brain stem:- corpus callosum/glia:- pineal gland:- peripheral nerve:8.13 spine:8.62 retina:7.64 eye:7.34 artery/aorta:- vein:7.85 lymphnode:7.73 peripheral blood:- spleen:7.30 thymus:- bone marrow:7.52 adipose:8.87 bone:7.11 skin:7.82
CAGE cerebrum:2.19 cerebellum:- brain stem:2.25 corpus callosum/glia:- pineal gland:- peripheral nerve:- spine:2.15 retina:- eye:- artery/aorta:1.75 vein:- lymphnode:1.41 peripheral blood:- spleen:1.00 thymus:1.06 bone marrow:- adipose:- bone:0.63 skin:1.84
RNA-seq cerebrum:2.55 cerebellum:- brain stem:- corpus callosum/glia:- pineal gland:- peripheral nerve:- spine:- retina:- eye:- artery/aorta:- vein:- lymphnode:- peripheral blood:- spleen:- thymus:- bone marrow:- adipose:- bone:- skin:-
reproductive muscular alimentary liver lung urinary endo/exo-crine
EST uterus:- placenta:- prostate:- ovary:- testis:- heart:- muscle:- esophagus:- stomach:- intestine:- colon:-     liver/hepato:-        lung:-    bladder:- kidney:- pituitary:- thyroid/parathyroid:- adrenal gland:- pancreas:- breast:- salivary:-
GeneChip uterus:8.66 placenta:9.04 prostate:8.12 ovary:8.70 testis:9.45 heart:7.79 muscle:7.32 esophagus:- stomach:7.67 intestine:7.43 colon:- liver/hepato:8.20 lung:7.23 bladder:7.55 kidney:9.67 pituitary:9 thyroid/parathyroid:- adrenal gland:8.38 pancreas:8.14 breast:7.88 salivary:8.16
CAGE uterus:2.03 placenta:2.81 prostate:1.84 ovary:2.09 testis:3.21 heart:- muscle:- esophagus:- stomach:0 intestine:1.49 colon:1.34     liver/hepato:1.64    lung:0.75 bladder:1.31 kidney:- pituitary:2.01 thyroid/parathyroid:- adrenal gland:1.75 pancreas:1.84 breast:2.14 salivary:-
RNA-seq uterus:- placenta:- prostate:- ovary:- testis:- heart:- muscle:2.56 esophagus:- stomach:- intestine:- colon:-     liver/hepato:2.99        lung:-    bladder:- kidney:- pituitary:- thyroid/parathyroid:- adrenal gland:- pancreas:- breast:- salivary:-

Gene Ontology  (GO ID)

Biological Process

GO:0070842  aggresome assembly
GO:0070301  cellular response to hydrogen peroxide
GO:0071218  cellular response to misfolded protein
GO:0016568  chromatin modification
GO:0016575  histone deacetylation
GO:0070932  histone H3 deacetylation
GO:0070933  histone H4 deacetylation
GO:0070846  Hsp90 deacetylation
GO:0006886  intracellular protein transport
GO:0032418  lysosome localization
GO:0016236  macroautophagy
GO:0006515  misfolded or incompletely synthesized protein catabolic process
GO:0007026  negative regulation of microtubule depolymerization
GO:0043242  negative regulation of protein complex disassembly
GO:0045861  negative regulation of proteolysis
GO:0034983  peptidyl-lysine deacetylation
GO:0070845  polyubiquitinated misfolded protein transport
GO:0090035  positive regulation of cellular chaperone-mediated protein complex assembly
GO:0010634  positive regulation of epithelial cell migration
GO:0010870  positive regulation of receptor biosynthetic process
GO:0009967  positive regulation of signal transduction
GO:0006476  protein amino acid deacetylation
GO:0043241  protein complex disassembly
GO:0000209  protein polyubiquitination
GO:0070201  regulation of establishment of protein localization
GO:0010469  regulation of receptor activity
GO:0006355  regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0070848  response to growth factor stimulus
GO:0051788  response to misfolded protein
GO:0010033  response to organic substance
GO:0009636  response to toxin
GO:0006351  transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0090042  tubulin deacetylation
GO:0006511  ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0043162  ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process via the multivesicular body sorting pathway

Cellular Component

GO:0016235  aggresome
GO:0005901  caveola
GO:0031252  cell leading edge
GO:0005737  cytoplasm
GO:0005881  cytoplasmic microtubule
GO:0005829  cytosol
GO:0030286  dynein complex
GO:0000118  histone deacetylase complex
GO:0016234  inclusion body
GO:0005874  microtubule
GO:0005875  microtubule associated complex
GO:0005634  nucleus
GO:0048471  perinuclear region of cytoplasm
GO:0043234  protein complex

Molecular Function

GO:0003779  actin binding
GO:0043014  alpha-tubulin binding
GO:0008013  beta-catenin binding
GO:0048487  beta-tubulin binding
GO:0070840  dynein complex binding
GO:0004407  histone deacetylase activity
GO:0031078  histone deacetylase activity (H3-K14 specific)
GO:0034739  histone deacetylase activity (H3-K16 specific)
GO:0032129  histone deacetylase activity (H3-K9 specific)
GO:0042826  histone deacetylase binding
GO:0051879  Hsp90 protein binding
GO:0016787  hydrolase activity
GO:0046872  metal ion binding
GO:0008017  microtubule binding
GO:0032041  NAD-dependent histone deacetylase activity (H3-K14 specific)
GO:0046969  NAD-dependent histone deacetylase activity (H3-K9 specific)
GO:0046970  NAD-dependent histone deacetylase activity (H4-K16 specific)
GO:0031593  polyubiquitin binding
GO:0005515  protein binding
GO:0048156  tau protein binding
GO:0042903  tubulin deacetylase activity
GO:0043130  ubiquitin binding
GO:0008270  zinc ion binding